Fazer referencia contextual das palavras

Computers, video games, and the Internet have become entrenched features of our daily lives. Computer use has reached beyond work and it is now a major source of fun and entertainment for many people. For most people, computer use and video game play is integrated into their lives in a balanced healthy manner. For others, time spent on the computer or video game is out of balance, and has displaced work, school, friends, and even family.
What is computer and video game addiction?
When time spent on the computer, playing video games or cruising the Internet reaches a point that it harms a child’s or adult’s family and social relationships, or disrupts school or work life, that person may be caught in a cycle of addiction. Like other addictions, the computer or video game has replaced friends and family as the source of a person’s emotional life. Increasingly, to feel good, the addicted person spends more time playing video games or searching the Internet. Time away from the computer or game causes moodiness or withdrawal.
When a person spends up to ten hours a day or more rearranging or sending files, playing games, surfing the net, visiting chat rooms, instant messaging, and reading emails, that easily can reach up to seventy to eighty hours a week on-line with the computer. Major social, school or work disruptions will result.
For the computer or video game addicted person, a fantasy world on-line or in a game has replaced his or her real world. The virtual reality of the computer or game is more inviting than the every day world of family, school or work.
The first step to healing is to recognize the symptoms. Help from a professional is often needed.

em: Inglês Perguntado por: [2 Grey Star Level]



Resposta #1

as palavras sao it – their others that

Respostas Respondido por: monicasantos [2 Grey Star Level]
Resposta #2

faz um tempo que eu conclui os estudos aii resolvi retornar entende

Respostas Respondido por: monicasantos [2 Grey Star Level]
Resposta #
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